Europe Employment


How many employees work in the automotive industry in Europe?

car industry

The automotive industry in Europe is a rapidly expanding market with employees from all over the world. It’s an incredibly important part of the European economy, employing hundreds of thousands of workers and generating billions of euros every year. If you’re curious to know how many people work in the automotive industry in Europe, read on to find out!

According to published statistics, around 8 million people are employed in the automotive sector across the European Union. This includes workers employed directly by car manufacturers and their suppliers, as well as those working in vehicle sales and repair shops. An estimated 4 million people are employed by automakers directly, designing and manufacturing cars and components, while another 4 million.

Europe is a major hub for global automakers who produce many of their vehicles here for international sale. Germany, Spain, Italy and France make up two-thirds of all personnel employed throughout the EU industry. Approximately 1 million people work for German automakers alone while more than 600,000 are employed by French companies.

automotive care workers

Other countries such as Britain have seen a boom in employment due to increased production stemming from high demand for electric vehicles (EVs). The United Kingdom has seen a 156 percent growth since 2011 and currently employs nearly 100,000 workers across its carmaking sector.

As far as job type breakdown goes there are 650 engineers per 1 000 jobs within manufacturing companies

They employ 2-3 times more engineers than design – focused positions or management roles which clearly puts their focus on engineering development first before addressing any other needs.

Although employment across Europe’s automotive industry has grown markedly over the past decade there is still much work needed to ensure that it remains competitive into the future with employees engaged towards innovation driven change. Generally speaking, employment trends across Europe appear optimistic, ultimately allowing for economic growth on both local levels as well as in terms of consumer confidence at large.

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